5살에 한국에서 개인적으로 바이올린을 시작한 신이훈은 8살에 미국으로 건너가 1년간 연습을 쉬다가 오하이오에서 앨리스 웨이스에게 레슨을 시작했다 그후 오벌린 대학의 청소년 오케스트라 프로그램에 참여했다. 실력이 좋아지고 릴리 포스터에게 교육을 받다가 로라 퍼퍼의 학생이 되고, 클리브랜드 청소년 오케스트라(COYO)에 입단했다.
2016년에는 인디애나 대학 현악 아카데미에 참여했고 에반 로스스타인과 실내악에 대해 공부하고, 예로나 4중주단에서 마스터클래스에 참가했다. 2016년 메리 프라이스와 공부한뒤 2017년 아이오와로 이적했다.
현재 고등학교 3학년인 신이훈은 조나단 스터름의 학생이며 마스터 클래스에서 라벨의 티지건을 연주했다. 2018년에는 올스테이트 콘서트 마스터였다.
The Central Iowa Symphony is a community orchestra, united by a love of music and dedication to the art of orchestral performance, whose collective goal is to foster quality performances, offer satisfying musical experiences, and nurture educational and cultural growth in central Iowa.
원문... http://www.cisymphony.org/young_artists.html
Yihoon Shin began private violin studies at the age of five in Korea. When he moved to the United States a year later, he stopped studying for a brief time then took to lessons again with Alice Weiss in Ohio. While studying with Alice Weiss, he joined a youth orchestra program under Oberlin College. When Alice Weiss told him he was becoming too advanced for her to teach, she helped him find Lily Foster, his next teacher for two years. After studying with Lily Foster, he became a student of Laura Poper. Under Laura Poper, Yihoon moved away from Suzuki repertoire that he had been studying, and also successfully auditioned for the Cleveland Orchestra Youth Orchestra (COYO). He remained a member of the orchestra for three years.
In the summer of 2016, Yihoon participated in the Indiana University Summer String Academy. There, he studied chamber music in depth with Evan Rothstein and participated in a masterclass with the Yerona Quartet. He studied with Hal Grossman and Stacia Spencer for the summer. Starting in 2016, he studied with Mary Price before moving to Iowa in 2017.
Yihoon is currently a senior in high school and a student of Dr. Jonathan Sturm. Under Dr. Sturm, he played Ravel's Tzigane for a masterclass with violinist Bin Huang. In 2018, he was selected All-State Concertmaster.
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